Prayer, Purpose & Passion

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Putting the Word to work...(ppg 139, 155,)

Putting the Word to Work (pg 139)

We all need regular Sabbaths in our lives (see Exodus 31:14)--times of rest, relaxation, refreshing and renewal. Do you incorporate such times of refreshing in your life? If so, keep it up! If not, what changes can you make in your schedule so that you can have regular times of rest and renewal?

I do the best I can, every Sunday, to spend as much time with God as I can. Whether it be, church, reading His word, or just listening to some really uplifting worship music. I find that, for me, this is the best way to become refreshed and renewed. Admittedly though, there are days where I allow myself to be distracted by things that I shouldn't, and I fail to do the things that I know I need to do. I've decided to make a more concerted effort to stay focused on the right things.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 155)

The cloud that led the Iraelites on their journey (see Exodus 40:36-38) symbolises the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. Are you following the "cloud" in your life, patiently waiting on God to lead you on the next phase of your journey and being quick to obey when He does?

I'll be honest and say that I'm not sure where God is leading me right now. I had thought that He was leading me to return to school in January (maybe He still is), but since I can't afford to without a miracle of some sort (which I believe God is FULLY capable of), I'm not exactly sure that school is the road that He intends for me to take right now. Overall, I really feel God leading me to sing more, and also to be actively involved in the cause of full inclusion for people with disabilities (like me) in situations where they might otherwise not be able to participate in. I felt God say to me that since I know what ewxclusion feels like first hand, that I have the power to make some changesm if I follow Him closely.

**"Putting the Word to Work" is found in the Everyday Life Bible (notes and commentary by Joyce Meyer).**

May God bless you as you read and ponder these questions for yourself.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My thoughts on Friday and beyond...

I just have a few things to say about this whole Kelly & Clay incident that took place on Friday morning. First off, let me be clear and say that I DO NOT condone putting your hand on someone's face, joking or not. However, as I understand it, Clay was quick to apologize after the show went off the air, and Kelly had apparently accepted said apology, according to the friend of a guest who appeared on the show on Friday, who heard the apology take place.

After that, you would think the issue would be over with, right? It should have been, but, for some reason, Kelly felt the need to stew over it all weekend and then use Monday's show as her own personal platform, and call Clay "unprofessional" and "inappropriate". In my opinion, this was absolutely uncalled for. To be these were the actions of someone trying to intentionally deface Clay. As I said, she had almost 3 days to t hink about how, if at all, she would respond to this on the show. This is truly the definition of "unprofessional".

As if this wasn't bad enough, the ladies of "The View" discussed it this morning. Now, me in my nievete, had hoped that, perhaps, since Clay has always been so well received on "The View", that they might actually defend him. Again, not to condone his actions, but to say, at the very least, that Kelly reacting the way she did was highly un-called for. Unfortunately, this is not what happened. Instead, what I saw was Rosie O'Donnell basically "out" Clay, by suggesting that Kelly reacted the way she did because of the question surrounding Clay's sexuality. If I recall correctly, Rosie actually said Clay was gay, in a round-about way...which was WAY inappropriate. Granted, that question will ALWAYS surround Clay, but to suggest that what happened was a result of Kelly's opinion of Clay's sexuality is ridiculous.

One thing is for sure, I will be praying for all those involved.

God bless,


Monday, November 20, 2006

In need of a SERIOUS miracle...

I have been planning to go back to school now for quite some time, only today I learned that I won't be able to unless I can come up with a minimum tuition payment of $300 by December 7th. The way things stand right now, that's an impossibility. I can't even use my credit card...I maxed that out about 7 months ago, paying off the fees that I had outstanding at the college in order for me to even be allowed to fill out a re-admit form. Since I can barely make ends meet lately as it is, all I can say is...

I REALLY need a miracle.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Putting the Word to work...EXODUS (ppg 89. 103. 115)

The following questions were taken from the Everyday Life Bible. A version of the Amplified Bible, adapted with notes and commentary, by world reknowned evangelist, Joyce Meyer.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 89)

When the Hebrew midwives had to choose between fearing God, and obeying the orders of the king of Egypt, they chose to fear God (see Exodus 1:15-17). How will you respond when you are faced with a choice between pleasing man and obeying God?

Truthfully, I am faced with a situation like this everytime I visit my family. Since none of them are saved, they don't understand where I'm coming from. I'm, very often, faced with jokes and have even, at times, been accused of thinking that I am better than them. There have been times where I hae felt like if I obeyed God, and was involved in the church the way I knew in my heart that He wanted me to be, then I was. somehow, displeasing or dishonoring my family. I keep praying that they will, one day, come to know the Lord, but until then, I have to pray for the strength and courage to stay faithful in the things that God wants for me.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 103)

Do you need favor with the people you work for, as the Israelites did in the sight of the Egyptians? Ask God to give you the favor you need, just as He gave the Israelites favor in the eyes of their taskmasters so long ago (see Exodus 11:3)

I don't necessarily need favor from someone I work for, but I believe I do need favor from one of the personal care attendants that works in my apartment building. There have been a number od extremely tense and just overall uncomfortable situatiions that I believe could be made better by the favor of the Lord.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 115)

If you are in a position of leadership, do you have people who will be as Aaron and Hur to you, strengthening you when you are weary? If not, ask God to give you people like that in your life.

I am blessed to have a number of people around me now, that are as Aaron and Hur to me, strengthening me when I am weary. If it weren't for people like Sherry and Stepanie (and other wonderful Christian people ay Simply Clay), along with some wonderful people that I have met through my church, I would not be nearly as strong in the Lord as I am today. These wonderful people have only recently come into my life, so I remember all to well what it was to feel like I was alone in this journey. I have also had the devil try many times to attack me through other people that I perceived to be friends at the time. Needless to say, I feel very blessed to have the wonderful people in my life that I do, and my prayer is that I can be as much a blessing to them as they have been to me.

To those of you who are joining me in answeing these questions ( I know of one person so far.) If you feel confortable, please leave a comment, or send an e-mail to, letting me know that you are participating. I am just curious to see if there are others reading this that have been as blessed by this as I have been.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Putting the Word to work...

As I mentioned yesterday, I will be posting my responses to the questions posed in the "Putting the Word To Work" sections of the Everyday Life Bible as a way of documenting my own growth as I read (a personal Bible study of sorts. The questions, themselves, will also be posted in the event that anyone reading this would want to answer them for themselves. I will probably post two or three questions at a time from here on out. My prayer is that my answers might be a blessing to someone else in some way.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 47)

When Isaac was old and sick, his son Jacob deceived him into thinking that he (Jacob) was his brother Esau (see Genesis 27:30-32. That way, Jacob tricked Isaac into giving him the birthright that should have gone to Esasu. Have you, like Isaac, ever been deceived by someone? Have you forgiven that person?

I have been deceived by a few people in my life. I can't remember specific moments as I right this, but there are times when I will run into someone that has deceived or hurt me in the past, and still feel some betterness towards them, even though I had thought that I had completely forgiven that person. When that happens, I try to remind myself to just give it to God, and let Him do the things in me that I may not have the strength to do in my own power in that moment.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 50)

The Bible indicates that Leah was not nearly as beautiful or desirable as Rachel (see Genesis 29:17). Have you ever felt rejected as she must have? Remember that God loves you; He wants you, and He has an awesome plan for your life!

I have felt rejected and discouraged a number of times in my life. Sometimes I feel like I am not taken seriously because I have a disability; Or, there are times, when I don't feel like I am seen at all because of it. It feels, sometimes, as if people just can't get past the wheelchair. It's very frustrating, especially since I have dreams to be able to make a living singing and/or acting someday. When I get discouraged, I try to remind myself that there IS a plan for me (despite what the enemy tries to tell me on an almost daily basis), and that I just need to stay faithful and wait on Him to reveal it to me. I know that His plan is far more wonderful than anything I could ever dream possible.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 59)

Have you, like Dinah, ever been an innocent victim? I can assure you that even in the worst circumstances, God gives us grace to forgive, so that we can go on with our lives.

I have definitely felt victimized in my life. Sometimes by my sister, or my parents, or even my disability. In recent months, I have, on more than one occasion, asked God why it is that He is having me go through such a trial. He's not given me a clear response to this question yet, but I need to have faith that He will work everything together for good eventually. As for my family, I believe that they did, and DO, the best they can with what they know, and that I am loved.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

The challenge

When I was on the phone with my best friend from Georgia last night, she issued me a challenge: Read the Everyday Life Bible , from Genesis to Revelation, by December 31st.

I have decided that as I read, I will post my responses to the questions in the "Put the Word to Work" sections of this unique Bible, here in this blog as a way of documenting my spiritual growth as I read. My hope is that those of you who read this will learn from my experience, and maybe even be encouraged to answer these questions for yourself. If you DO decide to do this, please post about it in the comments (you can do so anonymously if you wish). I believe that there is much that can be learned from shared experience.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 36)

Abraham and Sarah had to wait a long time before God's promise came to pass, but it finally did, as we read in Genesis 21:1-3. What promises of God are you waiting to have fulfilled in your life? How can you be like Abraham and wait with a heart full of faith?

I am waiting on God to show me, once and for all, what it is that He has called me to do. I know with relative certainty that it will include everything that I am passionate about in some way. I am also waiting on God to fulfill the promise that He made to me when I was a little girl...That I will have a family of my own, one day, despite my disability. In order to be more like Abraham, I need to learn how to fully trust God to fulfill the promises He has made, and stop trying to "help" the process along, just because I don't see things happening as quickly as I would like them to. I need to learn to turn to prayer as a way of dealing with my frustration, instead of allowing myself to get discouraged.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for providing me with this special Bible that has opened up a whole new level of understanding for me. I ask you, Father, to please open up my heart and mind, along with those of the people who choose to join this journey. Please help us to learn and understand everything that each of us needs in order to live what you intend as the highest and best for our lives. Father, please bless all of those who read this in precisely the ways that they need You. Thank You for always meeting me where I am, and never leaving or forsaking me. I pray this in the precious name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.


Patience is a virtue...

Something interesting happened to me as I was reading my Bible a few minutes ago...Earlier tonight, I was feeling slightly discouraged after returning home from my weekly cell (Bible study/fellowship) group. Near the end, everyone got to talking about the new and exciting ventures that God has them taking, and I couldn't help but feel a little like I have somehow fallen behind. Don't get me wrong, I believe that God has an incredible plan for my life that will allow me to use ALL of the gifts He has given me, I just feel like I missed an instruction somwhere, and because of this my journey has stalled indefinitely.

Then, as I was reading a few minutes ago, I came across a couple of sentences in one of the commentaries that seemed to literally jump off the page and into my spirit. It reads like this:

"...While we are waiting for our manifestation to come forth--waiting for a breakthrough--we may grow frustrated or impatient. Sitting in the waiting room of life is not always easy ....Whether you know it or not, God is busy bringing good things to pass for you, right this minute! Just give Him time, and you will see." The Everyday Life Bible--Joyce Meyer (page 26)

Deep down, I believe that I always knew this, I just need to have it reinforced from time to time. I'm still frustrated at the slow pace of my life these days, but I have a feeling all of that is about to change.

God bless,


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I've been wondering....

I've made it clear in previous posts, that there is one attendant working in my building that I am less than confortable with, and if I had my way, I would not deal with her. Unfortunately, despite the issues that this person and I have had, it has been made clear to me that I really don't have a choice. That got me thinking about a few things....I know that in most, if not all, assisted living situations where there are attendants on site, you basically have to accept care from whoever is scheduled, or you just don't get your needs met at that time. That's fine, I get that. What I don't understand is why I am not able to be notified ahead of time who it is that is scheduled to handle my care at any given time. I could be wrong, but I think this may be one of the only companies that does NOT allow the clients that kind of information ahead of time. When I go to visit my parents in North Bay, for example, I schedule services so that my mother doesn't have to worry about it (I'm an adult now...she shouldn't have to). When I receive the schedule that has the times that my services are booked for, I can also see who is scheduled to come in. I like that. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that the attendant care in the special apartment in North Bay works the same way.

I don't think I'm too far out of line asking for this. I mean, it's MY home, don't I have the right to know who will be coming into MY home. Yes, I know that there will be times that I'll be forced to deal with people I don't necessarily like, I have no issue with that. I would just like some advance notice. Is that so bad?

On another note, I'm considering taking the advice of a friend of mine and posting some things on YouTube, just to get some general feedback on my voice. Ooooh scary! Me on the World Stage! But first I need to find a decent micophone (the one I have is ancient), and good recording/editing software...

God bless,


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another Day

Another day is over, and I have to say, it's been a very good one overall. I attended my church's weekly Alpha course as I do every Monday night, even though I wasn't sure I would make it, since, stupid me forgot that today was Monday and didn't have my chair plugged in last night...ergo...not enough battery juice to get to and from the church. Thank goodness Karen offered to drive me. Last week was the first week that I noticed that the "Everyday Life" Bible by Joyce Meyer (love her!), was up for sale. Since I'm perpetually broke at the moment, though, I made a mental note to myself to pick up a copy as soon as I could scrounge up the $47. Then tonight when everything had finished, and Karen and I were on our way back to my place, she hands me a gift bag and t ells me that it's from someone at our table. So I open it, and imagine my shock when I see the "Everyday Life" Bible inside! I couldn't believe the generosity of this person...I merely mentioned that I would like to buy it eventually in passing, so for this person (not Karen, someone else at my table) to do something so incredibly sweet for me, really made me realize hoe special the people are that attend GTA.

This isn't the first time someone at GTA has reached out to help me...A very sweet, young married couple invited me to join their home Bible study group almost out of the blue, despite the fact that there are a number of stairs leading up to their home. I am so grateful to God for opening these doors for me, and bringing such wonderful people into my life. I can honestly say that I truly feel accepted among the people at GTA, and I haven't felt that since the last time I attended Northwood Easter Seal Camp (it closed in January of 2002, but has since been re-opened as a Bible camp.)

I have decided not to bring up what happened on Saturday to the team leader here. Instead, I felt God leading me to start keepin thorough records of what happens during my shower bookings. If I see any negative patterns of any kind, THEN I will bring it to her attention.


Monday, November 13, 2006

New blog

I decided to start this new blog site because I needed a place to say things that I would not normally verbalize. I haven't decided for sure yet, but I'm toying with the idea of actually posting my devotions and prayers here as a way of documenting my own spritual growth. For now, though, there are just some things that I need to get off my chest.

On Saturday night when the attendant arrived fora scheduled 30 minute shower booking, she seemed unsure as to whether or not that was, in fact, what was supposed to happen. I told her yes, and asked her why she would ask such a question. She told me that another attendant had told her that there was no way this booking could be completed in 30 minutes, and that it absolutely requires the full 45 minutes (I have 45 minutes every other day except Saturday, because I needed to change some things around because of choir rehearsals, and the only time left was 9:00p.m for 30 minutes.) I was immediately upset by this, especially once I found out who had made this comment. I had an incident 7 months ago where the attendant in question verbally abused me. I reported her, but never actually got the apology that I had been assured that I would get. To this day, I am very uncomfortable having this lady around me.

So now I'm trying to decide whether or not I should bring this up with her boss. I mean, she was NOT scheduled to have my shower, so for her to tell someone else (who is still VERY new here) what is and is not possible during a booking that she has not done in quite a long while was very presumptuous and quite rude. For the record, last night this booking took a total of 25 minutes from start to finish. This begs the question, do I report this and run the risk of making an alradsy uncomfortable situation between me and this other attendant worse....Or do I suck it up, let it go and just be uncomfortable?

Other than that, things are okay....relatively speaking. I'm still in considerable pain, but that's nothing new. I just keep praying that I get into a pain clinic somewhere soon, so I can get my life back. I still do things like choir and Alpha, which I love, but I've always got a nagging fear in the back of my mind about how bad things will be that day.

Speaking of choir...Last week, auditions were held for certain solo parts, and since I hadn't auditioned for anything in over a year and a half, I felt like I needed a bit of a refresher course, since I plan on doing some musical theatre again this summer. Well, I'll audition anyway, but if there is a repeat of years passed, and I just end up being hidden in the chorus somewhere, I won't be participating. I've been a part of said theatre group for 6 shows now, and I feel like I've more than paid my dues. But I digress...back to choir auditions...I didn't geta solo, but I never really expected to, given the level of talent to choose from, and the fact that my audition was less than anything to be proud of. I'm not sure why really...I felt fine going in, but it seemed like, as soon as I opened my mouth, all of my "Am I really even any good?" insecurities came rushing back all at once. I have a couple, well one in particular, friends who tell me that I AM good, and I WANT to believe them, but I just CAN'T. I'm not completely sure where it comes from, but I have a feeling that it comes from years of hearing my family tell me to "stop singing" as they watched TV and I hibernated in my room, lost in the music, or "stop being so unrealistic...that'll never happen". I've lost out on countless parts over the yearsm both singing and acting, and I've never been able to know for sure whether I lost the part because I'm really not good enough, or because I have a disability and no one is willing to work around it. All I know for sure is that I've tried to quit singing and acting many times over the years, but I've never been able to stay away for very long. So I've come to the conclusion that I'm either a glutton for punishment, or God has truly given me a gift in this area, and HE wants me to keep using it. I'm hoping for the latter, but I wish I could know for sure.

I will eventually, I'm sure....But, for now, I wait...
