Prayer, Purpose & Passion

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The challenge

When I was on the phone with my best friend from Georgia last night, she issued me a challenge: Read the Everyday Life Bible , from Genesis to Revelation, by December 31st.

I have decided that as I read, I will post my responses to the questions in the "Put the Word to Work" sections of this unique Bible, here in this blog as a way of documenting my spiritual growth as I read. My hope is that those of you who read this will learn from my experience, and maybe even be encouraged to answer these questions for yourself. If you DO decide to do this, please post about it in the comments (you can do so anonymously if you wish). I believe that there is much that can be learned from shared experience.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 36)

Abraham and Sarah had to wait a long time before God's promise came to pass, but it finally did, as we read in Genesis 21:1-3. What promises of God are you waiting to have fulfilled in your life? How can you be like Abraham and wait with a heart full of faith?

I am waiting on God to show me, once and for all, what it is that He has called me to do. I know with relative certainty that it will include everything that I am passionate about in some way. I am also waiting on God to fulfill the promise that He made to me when I was a little girl...That I will have a family of my own, one day, despite my disability. In order to be more like Abraham, I need to learn how to fully trust God to fulfill the promises He has made, and stop trying to "help" the process along, just because I don't see things happening as quickly as I would like them to. I need to learn to turn to prayer as a way of dealing with my frustration, instead of allowing myself to get discouraged.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for providing me with this special Bible that has opened up a whole new level of understanding for me. I ask you, Father, to please open up my heart and mind, along with those of the people who choose to join this journey. Please help us to learn and understand everything that each of us needs in order to live what you intend as the highest and best for our lives. Father, please bless all of those who read this in precisely the ways that they need You. Thank You for always meeting me where I am, and never leaving or forsaking me. I pray this in the precious name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.



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