Prayer, Purpose & Passion

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Putting the Word to work...(ppg 170, 186, 196)

I can't believe that it's been a whole two weeks since I posted anything, nevermind the Putting the Word to Work questions. I guess this just goes to prove that I haven't spent near enough time in the Word as I should have over the last little while. Well that changes now. For those of you who have responded to me about these questions, thank you. I pray that you continue to be fed by these questions. Once again, you can find these questions in the Everyday Life Bible, commentary and notes by Joyce Meyer.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 170)

Leviticus contains much instruction on eating. Do you have any eating habits that you know are unwise or displeasing to the Lord? Ask Him to help you eat heathfully.

I suppose there are quite a few things about my eating habits that are unwise and thus, displeasing to the Lord. I tend to skip meals alot, especially when I am in pain. When I do eat, I tend to go for what is the quickest and easiest to access. These foods, more often than not, are the least healthful thing I should be eating. I am going to try and make better food choices in the future, especially since I will be returning to college next month.

Putting the Word to Work (pg 186)

1. The Bible specifically instructs us not to gossip. Let me ask you, how do you handle the things you hear? Remember to always keep confidences, honor other people's "business", and keep other people's secrets. DO not be what Leviticus 19:16 calls a "dispenser of gossip.

I'll admit that in years past, I was horrible when it came to gossip. I think it came from years of being picked on and gossiped about, that I gradually just started to talk about others. Since I've come to the Lord recently, I have gotten better, although I still gossip from time to time. Only now, however, I catch myself, and more often than not, remove myself from that situation relatively quickly.

2. Do you hold grudges? Remember that the Bible teaches us not to hold grudges (see Leviticus 19:18), but instead to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Let go of anything t hat you have against anyone.

Ouch! This question hit me like a ton of bricks. This is an area in which I need to do a lot of improving. I don't tend to hold grudges against every person that hurts me intentionally, just my family...particularly my younger sister. She and I have never been close, and she makes no secret of the fact that she dislikes me. I know I shouldn't hold anger towards her, and I try to release it, but it seems like the closer I get to going back to visit my parents, the enemy is quick to remind me of every wrong thing that she has ever said or done to me. I have vowed this year, that when I go back there to celebrate Christmas with my family, I will make a sincere effort to start fresh with her (even if it's only on my end.)

Putting the Word to Work (pg 196)

Much of our modern society seems to have lost respect for the name of the Lord. Do you honor His name in your speech? Do not use the names GOd, Lord, or Jesus in a frivolous or disrespectful way. Always remember that His name represents all that He is, and his name is to be honored not only in our hearts, but also in our speech.

As much as I know better, I do use the name of God a bit frivolously at times. It's a bad habit that I developed as a result of being raised in a non-Christian home. I do not blame my family 100%, I know that I alone am responsible for the words that do, and do not come out of my mouth. I can say, though, that since coming back to the Lord, I have gotten much better at using His name only in the most appropriate circumstances. This is another area that I pray that I can improve on a little more each day.


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